

Bio: Wordsworth wrote that all poetry springs from emotion recollected in tranquility. Although this blog focuses on literary criticism not poetry, the impetus for my research does originate from powerful feelings, and this blog seeks to stimulate, cultivate, and engage my reflections on my readings, reflections that are inextricably linked to my emotions. Currently, I am an M.A. student in English with plans on pursing a Ph.d in the near future. My focus is nineteenth-century British literature--yep, I am a Mexican-American who is obsessed with Victorian culture, go figure. As already mentioned, I will use this blog not only to keep track of my research and school readings but to also (TRY!) write critically in a casual, non-demanding environment. Perhaps thoughts regarding my personal life will manage to trickle into some of my posts, though I will make sure they're relevant to the lovely topic of literature.

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§ 4 Responses to About

  • your blog is very deep. I will be back–I can’t seem to write very deep commentary on books, either I like it or I don’t, but as a writer I really should pay more attention to the layers. Except when there ARE no layers (as with many YA books) that’s a problem! Guess it depends on the book 🙂

    • rebvel28 says:

      I agree, it is hard to find the layers of meaning in YA fiction, especially when in comparison to classic works. Since we’re taught early on that with classics, we must read between the lines, find the symbolism and metaphors, etc, we have it ingrained in us to hold classics on a pedestal–something I’m guilty of doing. But I’d like to give YA fiction credit. I think they do have layers. I like to think of it in terms of ideology and cultural proclivities. Like, why the sudden craze in supernatural-romance, hunger gamesque YA series? I think this phenomenon says something profound about Western culture today. It is the critic’s responsibility, then, to figure that out by studying the “layers” of these books. It is a difficult task.

  • JonGTV says:

    I really enjoyed your about page! I look forward to reading more of your posts and learning more about your studies in Victorian literature. Keep it up!

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